This is a new, larger iteration of a design I did a while back, but with a larger stone. The diamond here measures 1.65ct (~7.3mm) and I scaled up the snake to fit. I love this ring!

I lived the first 7-ish years of my life out in the super-rural on ‘The Farm’ with a creek running through it. We had hot summers, oak and madrone forest over most of the property, and lots of rattlesnakes. We went to a swimming hole daily in the summers and to get down the path through the brush, you had to first get the Snake Stick from the top of the path. Then you batted the bushes as you walked down the path to the creek to alert any snakes that you were coming, And most importantly, you had to sing the Sneaky Snake song. I get this song stuck in my head almost every time I think about snakes even still.