Category Archives: announcements

i’m back!

San Pedro Bay, Sonora MX

I’m back from my trip! We went sailing in the Sea of Cortez (Sonora, MX) on my father in law’s trimaran. We all had a lovely time swimming, sailing, beachcombing, eating tacos, and visiting the pearl farm! I took lots of photos and I’ll get a post together soon.

Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to (ahem) remind me if you had contacted me before or during my absence. I’m wading through emails here and I feel like I’m missing some.

Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

in the studio

gold rings in progress

In the studio today: a handful of some rings I’m finishing up. These guys go through a series of finishing processes: sawing sprues off, filing rough and fine, sanding discs and papers coarse, medium, fine, sanding bristles coarse, medium, med-fine, fine, polishing compound rough discs, bristles, then buffing wheels (wash after), polishing compound “flossing” through any openwork (wash), then final polishing: medium (wash) & fine to finish (wash yet again). (I’ll set the stones tomorrow.)

my rings are in a bridal magazine!

My rings in Weddings Unveiled Magazine

Ooh la la! I really need to shake my photography paradigm up a bit; I love the way the photographer staged the photo with the heart-shaped leaf.

So yeah! I got an email from a couple I made some rings for and their friend put together a wedding spread for the magazine Weddings Unveiled and she put my rings in it! I’m in the current (Winter 2013) issue, pages 90-93. I’m a little disappointed that they didn’t bother to credit the brilliant genius who made the rings (cough cough) but I suppose it’s made up for by the fact that that the rings are at least in a tasteful, nay, downright awesome spread.

Victorian solitaire & wedding band

You can see the full set of photos from the shoot here. Pretty gorgeous; I rather love the raw edges of the wedding dress.

nov. 12th deadline for custom christmas orders

This time of the year always sneaks up on me. I got online this morning feeling all smug like I was waaay ahead of schedule to post my deadline and then I looked carefully at the calender. Yes, so, in fact, my deadline needs to be in less than a week! GAH! Sorry everyone!

I will aim for final shipments to go out by 17th December for arrival by the 25th. Otherwise, I’ll be off the usual holiday/New Year days but working again through January. I’m planning on taking a month-long vacation though in February-March (dates not locked down yet). Please send me an email with any questions.

Thank you!!

yesterday in the studio

Polishing in the jewelry studio

I thought I might share a couple of photos illustrating the glamour and style that runs rampant (RAMPANT! I tellya) here at chez Gin & Butterflies.

My nerdy old-man visor helps me see the small bits and also keeps stray bits of hair from annoying me. So, you know, functional and … functional.

The weird secretary headset has seen sunnier days, but somehow I haven’t managed to throw it away yet and it doesn’t give me a headache after wearing it for 20 minutes. Lately I’ve been piping cheesy pulp detective novels directly into my brain; this helps immensely when doing really tedious finishing work.

And of course the 3-M facemask, which helps keep nasty particulate from blackening my lungs. Plus, it gives me a cool waffle-print across the bridge of my nose and cheeks. It looks like I might need to retire this one but I always wonder: as it gets dirtier on the outside, might it perhaps even increase the filter power?

umbre manicure

And last but not least, the ultra-fashionable umbre manicure. This is but one example of the cutting-edge, outside-the-box chic that goes on around here.

Don’t be jealous.